Specify list items with unlimited ANDs and ORs?



My form has a list of items.
I need the user to be able to select multiple items and specify the
conditions using any combination of ANDs and ORs.
Has anyone come up with a good (simple for user and easy to implement for
me)way to do this?
e.g. list contains A,B,C,D,E,F
User needs to be able to specify
A and (B or C)
B or (C and D)
etc. etc.
Probably one level of parentheses will be enough.


I created a form/query that would AND or OR two textboxes based on a checkbox.
SELECT [Old-New].NewID, [Old-New].OldID
FROM [Old-New]
WHERE ((([Old-New].NewID)=[Forms]![AND-OR Form]![List2]) AND
(([Old-New].OldID)=[Forms]![AND-OR Form]![List4]) AND (([Forms]![AND-OR
Form]![check6])=0)) OR ((([Old-New].OldID)=[Forms]![AND-OR Form]![List4]) AND
(([Forms]![AND-OR Form]![check6])=-1)) OR ((([Old-New].NewID)=[Forms]![AND-OR
Form]![List2]) AND (([Forms]![AND-OR Form]![check6])=-1));
You might build on this idea.

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