special forumla



have a nice day!

I have to put a special formula for the below
calculation. pls give me the solution.

in excel sheet,

in row 1 if the column A=10
column B=8
column C=0

the result to put in column D . that is A-B-C = 10-8-0= 2

and in row 2
column A = 8
column B = 12
column C=2

i am getting the result in column D is euql to (-6) (minus 6) as the above
procedure .

but i need the result for row 2 in column D is equal to 2.
that is just like 12-8-2 = 2.
how to solve this by putting the same furmula in column D for row 1 and row 2.



From what you've given us, you could just enter 2 in each cell ;-).
Are you supposed to find the largest less the sum of the others? If so, a
simple formula is: =2*LARGE(A1:C1,1)-SUM(A1:C1)

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