Special Form



Hi All,

I need to create a subform that contains a list of items, where the items
are always in view like on a spreadsheet.

Using the Items as column 1 I need another column for data entry and the
other columns are for historical data. When I create a query for the Subform
to show the blank list & the historical of course I cant input anything
because of the historical data, but if the subform is just based on the item
want, it works. How do I get all the information in 1 subform without
loosing the item list from (historical query) .

Any suggestions would be wonderful


Ok I'll try this differently and hopefully someone will get what Im trying
to do.

Currently I am using a spreadsheet it's called a Want Load Sheet

Guy comes in and puts in the Want Column qty he wants for next week's load,
this is the only inputted column
The spreadsheet contains about 50 macro's and is getting way out of hand.
WA is linked to the previous weeks sheet, ADD is (Count - WA), Count is QOH,
Out is what was loaded last Week and In just calculates the count/Case qty

The guys who use this Spreadsheet use the computer once a week and only
input Qty's in the Want Column, everything else is historical data that they
use to figure out what they might want to order.

I have this WB Split up for 3 different Branches with 25 different sheets.
Access just seems lilke the next step to take, I know how to do the tables &
querys to get the reports to generate but the form so these guys can see
historical data and input what they want has me pondering.

I have consulted warehouse staff and it's mandatory they see all items to
scroll through.

18/Superloaded 4 3 16
4 1 4

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