Space at bottom



Our website was created by an incredible designer, but we wanted to be able
to update it regularly so we puchased frontpage. I've had a devil of a time
with the tables and such.

Now there is a huge space at the bottom of the page

When I backspace it takes me up in to the text, but there appears to be
nothing for me to delete or select.

Any help would be appreciated.

MD Websunlimited

Hi Julie,

You've got other problems besides the space at the bottom of the page. When I accessed the page I received a JavaScript error on
line 30 l.s=b|d.layers[ln]:MM_findObj(ln).style;l.r;b;d.layers[ln].document:MM_findObj(ln);

I also noticed that the website uses DreamWeaver scripts.

I was unable to locate the cause of the gap at the bottom of the page -- my developer toolbar is acting up.

Stefan B Rusynko

You not only have a bottom space but a right side space problem (spreading your page)
- all caused by the poorly absolute positioned word/shape art objects starting after the tag

<a href=""><img border="0" src="images/isglogo.jpg" width="150" height="35"></a>

as say

style='position:absolute; left:1955.25pt;top:2458.5pt;width:87.75pt;height:47.25pt;z-index:1'>

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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| Our website was created by an incredible designer, but we wanted to be able
| to update it regularly so we puchased frontpage. I've had a devil of a time
| with the tables and such.
| Now there is a huge space at the bottom of the page
| When I backspace it takes me up in to the text, but there appears to be
| nothing for me to delete or select.
| Any help would be appreciated.

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