


Having installed sp4 I now get the message on boot up ---
system32\ntoskrnl.exe is corrupt or missing please

Problem is the machine hangs and will not allow me to
continue, the OEM disks supplied by DELL are not allowing
me to boot by CDROM.

I cannot see any other solution to this other thanm to
trash the OS and update to XP at great cost...! HELP

Robert Mitchell [MSFT]

Hello Charlie,

Most NTOSKRNL messages are caused by a problem with the BOOT.INI file. If
the BOOT.INI file is missing or incorrect, the boot loader cannot find the
Windows installation and fails on the first file we need to read,

You can get around this by creating an FT boot disk and using it to boot up
Windows. 119467 How to Create a Bootable Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition

Robert Mitchell
Windows NT4&2000 MCSE
Microsoft Enterprise Support

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