SP2 word excel Browser issue-



I have seen an issue with IE in respect to word and excel and wanted to know
if anyone else has seen it or has a fix for it.

Before I loaded SP2 on test machines in our office, if a user clicked on a
word or excel doc from a web link, it would open that program. For example,
people would click on a word doc from our intranet and word would open. Now
after SP2, it opens the doc or worksheet in the browser, not the actual
progam. It seems many hav the same issue but I cant find a fix for it

Anyone have fix or have seen this

Thnaks in advacne

R. C. White

Hi, Rick.

Word and Excel questions are best asked in one of the many Microsoft Office
discussion groups.

Since I know nothing of networks, I'll not try to answer your real question.
Except to suggest that you might find the answer in Control Panel | Folder
Options | File Types.


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