SP2 - Money 2002 and other problems?????



Not sure why I upgraded to SP2. Wishing I hadn't now.

When I click on the IE icon to open an explorer browser,
my computer tries to install Microsoft Money three times
before allowing me internet access. Even when I am
already surfing and I right click on a link to open in a
new window, it tries to install Money again. ???

To make matters worse, I already HAD Microsoft Money 2002
and it was set up and I was using it daily. Now it
apears all those files are gone and I have to reinstall.
And I threw away the original disk.

Any clue or any of the above problems? Has anyone been
successful at reversing an SP2 update?

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"I threw away the original disk"
Why would you throw away something you will certainly need at some
point in the future (Now)?
NEVER throw CDs or Product Keys away.

If it was a retail package, contact Microsoft:
If it is OEM , contact the seller, Microsoft may not be able to help
with OEM.
Otherwise time to buy another if you need it.

Go to Add/Remove Programs and look for Service Pack 2, you can
uninstall from there.



I read in another post that SP2 can be removed in Control Panel's
Add/Remove, also that the install creates a Restore Point, so you
_should_ be able to get back to where you were before the install.
I would do the Remove before the Restore.



Money 2004 works fine with SP2. Since you threw away the install disks for
2002 it might be time to upgrade to money 2004 or 2005.


-----Original Message-----
"I threw away the original disk"
Why would you throw away something you will certainly need at some
point in the future (Now)?
NEVER throw CDs or Product Keys away.

Well, to answer that point, I hadn't used the CD in over
two years, so it went out a month ago when I cleared out
all my old and unused CD's. Guess I'll learn now, huh?

Anyway, as an update, I sucessfully UNinstalled SP2 and
still had the same problem with Money trying to install
when any browser was opened (even the control panel for

I went back to yesterdays restore point and teh problem
was solved. Money is back, working fine, and so is my
browser. Now the problem is that Outlook has apparently
been washed away in the process. It is asking me to
install it all again. Did I lose all my emails and



-----Original Message-----
I read in another post that SP2 can be removed in Control Panel's
Add/Remove, also that the install creates a Restore Point, so you
_should_ be able to get back to where you were before the install.
I would do the Remove before the Restore.


Thank you. I did just that. Everything seems to be back
except for my Outlook, whihc is now screwed upo. ?? I'm
getting there (hopefully).

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