SP2 killed my computer...


Zapp Brannigan

I downloaded SP2 and kept getting a meassge that said...

"Windows explorer has encountered a problem and nees to close, sorry for any

My computer would freeze up or just get really sluggish after I clicked

I uninstalled SP2 and it still kept happening. Then I (stupidly) deleted the
SP2 hot fixes.

Then my computer wouldn't boot and I had to reformat the entire computer.

Does anyone know what might have happened to cause this so I know what to do
if it happens again ??? (besides not installing SP2) ;^)


Zapp Brannigan

Too much trouble. The computer ran fine before. It will run fine without it.

I installed it becuse windows update kept sending it to me without telling
me I had to ready my computer for it...

Mike Hall

You would be well advised to load it now while your system is clear of
garbage.. sooner or later, you will have to do it..

Zapp Brannigan

My friend is running a bootleg version (cracked so the code works) of XP Pro
that won't allow him to do any updates and he's running it without SP1, and
it's working fine.

Why would I have to install SP2 sooner or later.

I'm sorry but I know next to nothing about computers.

Thank you all for any help.

Paul Perera

I have also had the same problem and done everything I could to correct it.
But still I'm searching for a solution. I have even send a request to MS XP
Supportcenter and awaiting for a reply.
I still don't understand the policies of MS before even correcting their
faults they force you to update because they are ending the support. This is
typical MS...!

I hope oneday there vill be a monopole for Operative systems.


Mike Hall

You cant expect anything to get better if you insist on using an old
product, and equally, you can't expect MS to continue support of old
products ad infinitum.. why do you think that major tire manufacturers no
longer make solid tires?.. maybe because their performance would be well
below par if fitted to a modern car?..

Paul Perera

Hi Mike,

Why is it so hard to take up a critic as an objective one rather than
slaming the door on our face. We are frustated becuse we are force to do
something and instead of better it has become worse. That should get
attaintion than talking about tires. The tires can be baught an use without
problem not when you OS pisses you off.

Sorry for being harsh. I think you have to think about the user not the

Take critics as objective. Then you win people than loose them.

I have the same experience as you. But allways the customer is right.



Mike Hall


You work on the premise that SP2 will automatically cause problems, but that
is not true for many others who have downloaded the update..

It has to be realized that SP2 is a step forwards in computer security.. the
conditions that make SP2 a necessity are not going away any time soon.. so
should the customer be allowed to think that he is always right, should he
be educated in the way that things are and will become, or should we just
leave him temporarily contented in ignorance?..

If we knowingly leave him in the dark age, and he gets to find out, there
will be no thanks given and you certainly won't win him over in the long

Supporting SP2 is not a matter of pride.. it is common sense..

Paul Perera


Very sorry to inform you that you may have tacken me for just a ordinery
person. But I'm not going to response to you'r reply. The only thing is I
hvae been in the IT branch for th past 14 years and started with the DOS 2.0
with only 640 KB RAM and 160kb floppy drive with a processor of the speed of

So I hope you will get a good idea how long i have been involved this IT
problems. So we shall drop all the bulshit and try to find a solution for
the problem instead. I have the impression that as you say, "that I premise
that SP2 will automaticaly cause problems", Let me put the question to you
in another form. Why is the OS working perfectly when I remove the SP2 but
not when I reinstall it?

If you can answer that for me then I will be happy.

Nice haveing this conversation with you. This reminds me of a person who
studied together with me while I was stuing for Certification for Software
Archtecture. He was a MCP.

Hope to hear view from you.



Mike Hall


There are many people who considered their computer(s) to be working well
until their first encounter with SP2.. the update is not fault tolerant at
all at the point of installation, so the first step is to ensure that the
recipient computer is clean..

A well respected MVP colleague, Jupiter Jones, has produced a really good
website that will take you through the process of readying your computer,
the install of SP2, and the finalization..


You might also want to take a look here too.. MS provide much information on


I hope that it goes well for you.. I have used Jupiter's guidelines myself
when installing SP2 on my own machines and for other people that I directly
support.. so far, I have had no problems at all..

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