SP2 Install Worked....Yea!


Steve Klenner

I have been hestitant in doing SP2 Update and last weekend I finally decided
to give it a try. I backed up entire Laptop (twice) to a USB Hardrive and
made sure all drivers, etc were all up to date. I deleted all temp files,
cookies, ...anything that I didn't need and defragged HD.

SP2 installed and works flawlessly! Not a single problem....

SP2 does work!.....Pop Up Blocker is great! Can't recommend it more!


Hans-Georg Michna

I have been hestitant in doing SP2 Update and last weekend I finally decided
to give it a try. I backed up entire Laptop (twice) to a USB Hardrive and
made sure all drivers, etc were all up to date. I deleted all temp files,
cookies, ...anything that I didn't need and defragged HD.

SP2 installed and works flawlessly! Not a single problem....

SP2 does work!.....Pop Up Blocker is great! Can't recommend it more!


thanks for the report. It works on most computers, but in the
newsgroups of course we see the problems concentrated in one

If you ever get any networking problems, check



Same here. I have had the SP2 CD for 10 days and yesterday I decided to
give it a go. I scanned the hard drives for errors, defragged the hard
drives, backed up all data and photos, created a restore point, reviewed the
Microsoft Sp2 install site as well as my PC vendor (Dell)SP2site.

It took a couple of hours to get ready but the SP2 update ran without a
hitch. Took about a half hour.
Phil B.

"Steve Klenner" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:OlXw4

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