SP2 install delay and other mysteries



I just finished installing SP2 on my Gateway laptop, and ran into a few
interesting events.

Before doing the install, I was notified by the Automatic Update feature
that SP2 was available for install. I clicked on that icon and the screen
told me that I would be downloading a 260 MB file. Having heard that there
are smaller SP2 files, I cancelled out of that and clicked on the Windows
Update button, where I was told that the download of SP2 for my Home Edition
OS would be, if my memory is correct, 73 MB. So I opted to download and
install SP2 from the WU rather than from the Automatic Update feature. This
puzzles me. Why is the size of the SP2 file in Automatic Update different
from the size of the SP2 file in WU?

Anyway, after initiating the SP2 download and install in WU, the download
went off without a hitch. However, the install procedure stalled for at
least 20 minutes (I use cable broadband) with only 3 tics on the progress
bar. I hit Ctrl-Alt-Del to see if there was a "Not Responding" message, but
there wasn't. So I "X"d out of that and waited another 15 minutes. Still no
more progress on the progress bar. Finally I hit "Cancel" to get out of the

Then I clicked on WU again and re-started the SP2 install. I was pleased to
see that the system is smart enough to not do the download all over again.
Instead it began immediately to do the install, and this time there were no
delays and the install was successfully completed. I wonder why there was an
install delay during my first attempt. The download had already been
completed, so I don't see how an internet communication delay could have
been the culprit.

Any comments on these events are certainly welcome.


I just finished installing SP2 on my Gateway laptop, and ran into a few
interesting events.

Before doing the install, I was notified by the Automatic Update feature
that SP2 was available for install. I clicked on that icon and the screen
told me that I would be downloading a 260 MB file. Having heard that there
are smaller SP2 files, I cancelled out of that and clicked on the Windows
Update button, where I was told that the download of SP2 for my Home Edition
OS would be, if my memory is correct, 73 MB. So I opted to download and
install SP2 from the WU rather than from the Automatic Update feature. This
puzzles me. Why is the size of the SP2 file in Automatic Update different
from the size of the SP2 file in WU?

Anyway, after initiating the SP2 download and install in WU, the download
went off without a hitch. However, the install procedure stalled for at
least 20 minutes (I use cable broadband) with only 3 tics on the progress
bar. I hit Ctrl-Alt-Del to see if there was a "Not Responding" message, but
there wasn't. So I "X"d out of that and waited another 15 minutes. Still no
more progress on the progress bar. Finally I hit "Cancel" to get out of the

Then I clicked on WU again and re-started the SP2 install. I was pleased to
see that the system is smart enough to not do the download all over again.
Instead it began immediately to do the install, and this time there were no
delays and the install was successfully completed. I wonder why there was an
install delay during my first attempt. The download had already been
completed, so I don't see how an internet communication delay could have
been the culprit.

Any comments on these events are certainly welcome.

SP2 spends a long time clearing up the mess it creates during the
installation. The best policy is to go and have lunch and let it get
on with doing the installation.


I did not have the problems you mention with my install of SP2 on 6 systems,
but after the installation the boot drive, (c:), was heavily fragmented.
Other than having to defrag which is a weekly routine anyway, all is well.

Tom Pepper Willett

I don't see any questions listed in this post.

| It would be nice if some of you MVPs could enlighten us on these
| Thanks.


Tom, please read it then. The questions were as follows:

Why is the size of the SP2 file in Automatic Update different
from the size of the SP2 file in WU?

I wonder why there was an
install delay during my first attempt. The download had already been
completed, so I don't see how an internet communication delay could have
been the culprit.

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