SP2 for non-IT people


Steve Shattuck

So the fact that microsoft explicitly says "IF YOU ARE A HOME USER, DO NOT
DOWNLOAD THIS VERSION" means nothing to you? I see...obviously you know
more than microsoft.

Perhaps English is your second language. Ken is exactly right, Microsoft is
simply trying to save the average home use, most with dialup, the extra time
required to download the complete file. In fact there are several places
where it say "users with only one system." Of course as an obvious
Microsoft thrasher, this REAL content isn't what you want to hear.

PLONK! That's exactly what the Block Sender function in Outlook Express is

bullwinkel J. Moose

I'm curious, Who owns your computer?

jeff4379 said:
Whether or not the download works or not is not the issue either. Unless I
see something on the MS site that says it is ok for a common user to
download this package, I will not suggest it.

What you suggest about bandwidth makes sense, but that is not an official
microsoft answer.

Can you difinitively say that there is no difference between the current IT
and Developer release and the AU/WU release?
Phil said:
Like I just said, they only say that because they want home users to use
windows update or automatic updates. They don't want 10 million home users
downloading the 250+mb version from the network install site. Bandwidth is
an issue as it costs ms money to offer these updates via the net. Everyone
pays for bandwidth, even ms.
There is absolutely NO difference at all between the two versions except one
is the full version and one is the express version. MS would rather have you
download the smaller express version because most won't need everything the
full version updates as they may have some sp2 updates installed already.
Yes, ms says for home users not to download that version, I don't dispute
that. I'm just telling you why they say that. Home users with broadband
connections can do the network version with no probs. I've already installed
the network version on 10+ home versions without one problem at all.


What? This is almost gibberish.

Phil said:
I can't blindly follow anything without investingting it or at least
analizing it. If ms says something, I ask, why. Since there is no real
reason why ms would say this as far as functionality of sp2 goes, I can
only logically assume it's a traffic thing.
MS reccomends things to "protect" your computer from yourself. Many ms
reccomendations are to "scare" the user into doing it the way they want
you to. Since they don't want a zillion home users overloading the network
install server they "scare" you into not doing it. It doesn't mean there
isn't another way, a better way, or another option. MS may make the os,
but many other sites and techs can tweak windows, or do things to it, or
install things on it better than ms can or is willing to. Yes, it's true
most users can and should wait until windows update has it, but they don't
have to if they don't want to wait. If they have dialup they essentially
have no choice but to wait cause the full download is just too big for
And yes it true this is not an official ms answer, but its the most
logical answer. Ever hear of achems razor? All things being equal the
simplist answer must be correct. This is the only answer that seems to
make sense.
Yes, I can say without any doubt that the IT and developer release is 100%
the same as the sp2 windows update will install. The download is what is
different, not the install of sp2.


jeff4379 said:
Rubish? Please furnish some proof to that claim.

The only reason that MS say "do not download the network install if all you
are doing is to upgrade one machine" is to conserve bandwidth. THAT IS ALL.
the network install works perfectly well on ANY machine, whether at home as
a stand-alone, on a home network, or in a commercial environment. There is
NO reason that it is "not meant for home use".


jeff4379 said:
I wouldn't give this download to a friend or family member. Personally, as
an IT Professional, I am waiting serveral months to install this update
(after extensively testing it on a non-production machine)


So the "several months of extensive testing" that Microsoft did, (with real
machines and real people in the real world) meant nothing to you?

I have met quite a lot of people with attitudes like you in the "IT"
industry - and I'm a Systems accountant.


Feng Mao

Hi Jeff,

Technically, the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Network Installation Package for
IT Professionals and Developers can be installed onto the computers for
home use. However, the Network Installation Package will be easier for IT
Managers to deploy it in their network.

Have a nice day!

Thanks & Regards,

Feng Mao [MSFT], MCSE
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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| From: "jeff4379" <[email protected]>
| Subject: SP2 for non-IT people
| Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:12:10 -0500
| Lines: 8
| X-Priority: 3
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| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
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| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
| If you are not an IT professional testing SP2, don't download it and
| it. Wait until you are offered it through automatic updates or Windows
| updates. The current version: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Network
| Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers is not meant for
| home use.


Same here Jeff, We have 22 XP systems - some of them run Easy CD Creator v6
that some users are reporting have problems. We have all critical updates,
firewall, anti-virus - SpySpeeper running etc. I am certainly not risking
our network for quite awhile.
I will install on one PC and let it run at least a month before doing all of



Just as you claim "I can't blindly follow anything without investingting it
or at least
analizing it. " I cannot blindly follow what you claim. If you can furnish
some proof of what you claim you found during your "investigating" Then I'd
be glad to follow suit.


Browse the newsgroups, many have said they believe the reason ms says for
home users to wait is because of the traffic and server demand.(ever been to
windows update the day an sp comes out, it's very slow if it works at all) I
never asked you to follow my advice, just putting out my opinion and
experience on the issue of home users downloading the IT version and why I
think ms says for home users to wait for windows update. Take my words,
browse the groups, check out tech sites, read what ms has to say, ask your
friends, and then decide for yourself what you think is the best course of
action. Don't just take ms recomendations and follow that without checking
out other sources(it seemed this whole thread was based on ms
reccomendations). Much of what ms says and does is driven by policy, money,
and marketing tatics. Remember this whole thread started because you were
telling home users not to install sp2 solely on what it said in the ms
website. I offered my opinion on that view.

Steve Nielsen

Gordon said:
So the "several months of extensive testing" that Microsoft did, (with real
machines and real people in the real world) meant nothing to you?

It would be impossible for MS to test all possible configurations that
are in the real world.
I have met quite a lot of people with attitudes like you in the "IT"
industry - and I'm a Systems accountant.


There is nothing wrong with Jeff's attitude and most IT Pro's agree to
wait before deploying ANY major changes to production equipment, period.
This applies to ANY OS and Application service packs and it is good

You must not get along very well with IT people in general.



Steve Nielsen said:
It would be impossible for MS to test all possible configurations that
are in the real world.

There is nothing wrong with Jeff's attitude and most IT Pro's agree to
wait before deploying ANY major changes to production equipment,
period. This applies to ANY OS and Application service packs and it
is good practice.

You must not get along very well with IT people in general.


You have to read the whole thread from the beginning. The op wasn't talking
about prodcution machines in a business environment where they have IT
people. He was telling home users not to install sp2 until it at least comes
out on windows update or even longer. Home users should install, businesses
should test, then install. IT people agree, test then install at work, and
at home backup and install.

Steve Nielsen

Phil said:
You have to read the whole thread from the beginning. The op wasn't talking
about prodcution machines in a business environment where they have IT
people. He was telling home users not to install sp2 until it at least comes
out on windows update or even longer. Home users should install, businesses
should test, then install. IT people agree, test then install at work, and
at home backup and install.

I did read it and I do understand the OP intent. I still don't see a
problem with Jeff's statements and certainly nothing to PLONK him over.
Oh well, maybe I missed something.


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

It is Windows XP Service Pack 2.
There is nothing to distinguish them once installed.
You want proof?
Find a computer with SP-2 installed with Automatic Update.
Also find a computer with SP-2 installed by the Network Installation.
They will be identical as far as SP-2 is concerned in My Computer

There is NOTHING on the page that suggests there will be anything
different once installed.
Search for documentation about SP-2.
If there is a difference once installed, surely there will be
something somewhere easy to locate.
You can start here, there are many Microsoft links relating to SP-2:

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

jeff4379 said:
Just as you claim "I can't blindly follow anything without
investingting it
or at least
analizing it. " I cannot blindly follow what you claim. If you can
some proof of what you claim you found during your "investigating"
Then I'd
be glad to follow suit.


Steve Nielsen said:
I did read it and I do understand the OP intent. I still don't see a
problem with Jeff's statements and certainly nothing to PLONK him
over. Oh well, maybe I missed something.


What was wrong with his statement is that he was saying for home users not
to install the network install version of sp2 because: one, ms said so, and
two because since ms said so the network install version must be different
then the windows update version. This is what he was getting at and it's
totally wrong. Home users need not wait for windows update to have sp2. They
can install the network install version on a stand alone home computer and
be fine. Many have already done so with no probs. I do agree it's nothing to
plonk him over, he just wasn't listening to what everyone in this thread was
telling him. Maybe that upset some people who don't have time for someone
who isn't receiving in the first place, so they plonked and moved on.

Steve Nielsen

Phil said:
What was wrong with his statement is that he was saying for home users not
to install the network install version of sp2 because: one, ms said so, and
two because since ms said so the network install version must be different
then the windows update version. This is what he was getting at and it's
totally wrong. Home users need not wait for windows update to have sp2. They
can install the network install version on a stand alone home computer and
be fine. Many have already done so with no probs. I do agree it's nothing to
plonk him over, he just wasn't listening to what everyone in this thread was
telling him. Maybe that upset some people who don't have time for someone
who isn't receiving in the first place, so they plonked and moved on.

Ok - I understand now.



jeff4379 said:
Just as you claim "I can't blindly follow anything without investingting it
or at least
analizing it. " I cannot blindly follow what you claim. If you can furnish
some proof of what you claim you found during your "investigating" Then I'd
be glad to follow suit.

Just in case you chose not to read this from Jupiter:

It is Windows XP Service Pack 2.
There is nothing to distinguish them once installed.
You want proof?
Find a computer with SP-2 installed with Automatic Update.
Also find a computer with SP-2 installed by the Network Installation.
They will be identical as far as SP-2 is concerned in My Computer

There is NOTHING on the page that suggests there will be anything
different once installed.
Search for documentation about SP-2.
If there is a difference once installed, surely there will be
something somewhere easy to locate.
You can start here, there are many Microsoft links relating to SP-2:"
Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Also IMHO, because SP2 is so large and significant, a sound idea would be to
have the whole thing available on CD, in case of a re-install/repair of


Phil said:
Like I just said, they only say that because they want home users t
windows update or automatic updates. They don't want 10 million hom
downloading the 250+mb version from the network install site.

Not to mention it's nearly impossiblewhen using a dialup interne

You can get it from Microsoft on a CD for free, however the shipping i
more than getting it from one of the download services like On-Disk.com
And they usually ship the same or next day to anywhere in the world

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