SP2, boot problem, invalid password in RC



Hi, I installed SP2 yesterday and after that the computer won't boot. When I
try to boot from the WinXP CD and goes to the Recovery Consol and writes my
admin password it says "Invalid password". It is the right password but it
doesn't help.

I've tried to find the answer to it everywhere but can't find it anywhere.
Found something about sysprep image and OEM but is it something that I can do
myself do go further right now?

Can someone please help me? I don't know what to do and I don't want to


answer is just the same as in the 'i'm losing my mind' topic:::
Relax and reinstall Windows ;). If you are sure that the problem is in
incorrect password ONLY, you can use this bootable diskette image to simply
reset the password: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/ - NT Offline
Password and registry Editor. Enjoy!

Kent W. England [MVP]

Rockerz wrote on 03-Oct-2004 8:37 AM:
Hi, I installed SP2 yesterday and after that the computer won't boot. When I
try to boot from the WinXP CD and goes to the Recovery Consol and writes my
admin password it says "Invalid password". It is the right password but it
doesn't help.

I've tried to find the answer to it everywhere but can't find it anywhere.
Found something about sysprep image and OEM but is it something that I can do
myself do go further right now?

There is a problem with the original XP CD and some OEM installations
that sounds like your problem. There is a KB article on it.

In addition to using the floppy setup disks as stated in the article,
you can create a slipstreamed SP2 CD, using your original XP CD and the
downloaded SP2 installer executable. See
http://www.msfn.org/articles.php?action=show&showarticle=49 for more
details on how to do this. nLite makes it quite simple, compared to
earlier methods. Then you can use this slipstreamed CD to run Recovery
Console without the sysprep error of the original.

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