SP2 and IE - DNS Error/Cannot Find Server



After updating to SP2, IE will work normally for 3-4
minutes upon startup. Then I'm unable to search the
Internet (IE could not open the search page", "cannot find
server or DNS error"). Anyone have a solution to this
issue? I'm connecting to the Internet over a cable modem.


I have the SAME EXACT problem. No one seems to know the answer. This is
really bothering me. There was a patch/hotfix before that you would have to
run before installing SP2. I cant seem to find that patch/hotfix anymore.
Does anyone know where to find it?


The only solution I have found is to restart the DNS service, in the
Administrator Tools section. Then it works fine for a while, until it quits

Yves Leclerc

Unless you are running DNS service locally, this should not be where the
problem is. The problem would be with the Internet Service Provider's DNS
service. Depending on how you connect, the problem could be with them or
your local router.


The problem has to be localized in this computer. The 2 other computers at
home use the same Internet Provider and router, and don't experience any
disconnections at all. It's a bug here that I can't find a fix for.

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