Sound files and active x controls



On the home page of I have installed HTML
for an mp3 file to play as the page works fine for me but several
people have said that when they close active x contols or say ok to active X
controls the song starts playing again over the same one that is playing
already so the same song is playing but out of sync since two are
playing..Please can I fix this..I am using FP 2002

David Berry

You're embedding the MP3 twice. You have:

<BGSOUND SRC="3sheetslead.mp3"><EMBED SRC="3sheetslead.mp3" HIDDEN="true"

You should use either the BGSOUND tag OR the EMBED tag but not both. See for an explanation.

Also, you have some links that point to references on your Hard Drive which
means you see them but no one else will. For example:


You need to import your images into your web first and then insert them. If
you inserted the image into your web then the link should look like this:


David Berry

Add LOOP="false" PLAYCOUNT="1" to the embed tag. You don't need
AUTOPLAY="true" Ex:

<EMBED SRC="3sheetslead.mp3" HIDDEN="false" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="false"


David, I did what you said and changed the code, same problem , several
second delay after active x comes up and the person clicks ok....IT does not
do this on my computer running xp and where I am publishing from nor does it
do it on and old windows 98 machine that I have, any suggestions

David Berry

Unfortunately that popup about the Active X control is a security feature
and if the user doesn't have it turned off there's nothing you can do about
it. I just check the site and it worked fine for me. The song started
playing and only played once.

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