sound and video out of sync on PPT packaged-for-CD



hope you can help!: I am packaging a powerpoint presentation for CD that
includes sound and video clips. Every time I test the settings in the
original, the timing works fine. But on the CD copy, most timings are
alright, but always one or two are out of sync (e.g. sound does not start
right away; transition cuts off sound or video clip, etc.). Seems as if the
way the computer runs the CD may be throwing off the launch timing of various
clips. Is there any way to lock in these timings to keep the whole piece in

I appreciate any/all help.

Michael Koerner

Unfortunately the speed of the drive is the culprit. CD drives are slower
that your regular HD, which makes synchronization a problem with no real


convert it to DVD, or flash may solve the problem.
dvd driver is tens of times faster than cd drivers.

search PPT to DVD on google, you can find those tools.

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