Sorting problem- This operation requires...



This operation requires...the merged cells to be identically sized

This statement comes up when I try to sort Alphabetically, what does this
pop-up mean??

Peo Sjoblom

It tells you never to use merged cells, in fact I am flabbergasted how many
people use merged cells. Unless you merge cells only as top headers it will
always come back to haunt you sooner or later. These newsgroups are full
with the ruins of merged cells and the regular contributors warning against
using merged cells. In fact I think it is so destructive that MS should
remove it
Best would be if you could unmerge the cells, you can get similar display by
for instance select the number of cells you normally would merge, then do
format>cells>alignment and select center across selection

David Biddulph

It means that if you want to sort things, you shouldn't merge cells.

In general the advice of the experts (and others) on these groups is don't
merge cells if you can find an alternative solution.

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