Sorting objects on multiple properties


Trey Bean

So I'm getting an array of objects from a web service. Before
presenting this array to the user, I need to sort these objects by two
of it's properties. Basically, each property has a date and a type. I
would like to bind this to a grid in the form of

11/21/2006 - Type1
11/21/2006 - Type1
11/22/2006 - Type1
11/24/2006 - Type1
11/22/2006 - Type2
11/23/2006 - Type2
11/24/2006 - Type3

I know how you use IComparer to sort the array on either one of the
properties, but how do I sort/group on both?

I should mention that the data comes from the web service ordered by
date, but once I sort by type it loses that order naturally.

My IComparer class is this:

public class typeComparerClass : IComparer
int IComparer.Compare(Object x, Object y)
Action action_1;
Action action_2;

if (x is Action)
action_1 = (Action)x;
throw new ArgumentException("Object is not of type

if (y is Action)
action_2 = (Action)y;
throw new ArgumentException("Object is not of type

return action_1.actionType.CompareTo(action_2.actionType);

Trey Bean

Nevermind, I figured it out.

I added a condition after performing the first CompareTo--if the types
are equal, compare using dates.

public class typeComparerClass : IComparer
int IComparer.Compare(Object x, Object y)
Action action_1;
Action action_2;

if (x is Action)
action_1 = (Action)x;
throw new ArgumentException("Object is not of type

if (y is Action)
action_2 = (Action)y;
throw new ArgumentException("Object is not of type

int type_compare =

if (type_compare == 0)
return action_1.startTS.CompareTo(action_2.startTS);
return type_compare;

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