sorting numbers and numbers that contain text in excel



A column contains both strictly numbers and also numbers that are followed
by text (e.g., row 1: 1000, row 2: 1500; row 3: 1000a; row 4: 1500a)
Identical numbers are related documents, with the text suffixes referring to
addenda documents; thus, document 1000 has an addendum document 1000a; How
can I sort the column so in the following order: row 1 (1000), row 3 (1000a),
row 2 (1500), row 4 (1500a)?
Thank you

David Biddulph

=TEXT(A1,"0") will turn each into text, then sort by that helper column (and
don't accept Excel's suggestion to treat text that looks like numbers as


Thank you for the reply. I had already converted all the numbers into a text
format, yet it does not help.

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