sorting excel worksheet



How to sort a column of text alphabetically so that the contents of the
relative rows automatically sort with the column?

The A-Z sort function seems only to work with the individual column.

Any help, gratefully received.



Do not use the A-Z icons for sorting. Instead, highlight the range you
want to sort (which may or may not include a header row), then click
Data | Sort and choose the sort field(s) and type (ascend/descend)
then click OK. This will keep data on the same rows together.

Hope this helps.


David Biddulph

Select the range that you want to sort, including whichever rows & column
you want sorting, then choose Data/ Sort, and tell it which column to sort


select all of the cells you want to sort together
either use data-sort
use the tab button to go to the column you want to sort by and use the A-Z

David McRitchie

For additional help with sorting see
but as already pointed out to you the important thing
is to select the area to be included in the sort, and do
not ever rely of the automatic expansion of a single
cell to expand to the current region (Ctrl+SHIFT+*) to
actually define the range you want to work with as you
will surely destroy you data sooner or later.

If you have Excel 2003 or later you cannot rely on Ctrl+A
to select all of the cells either, so again you risk destroying
your data. If you do have Excel 2003 or later see

In using the A-Z sort you might want to insure that the title
will sort before the rest of column, as Excel's determination
of whether there is a header row involved is very poor, so
be aware of what you have and be ready to use Ctrl+Z if
the sort does not work. Ctrl+Z will not work if you have
used a macro or have an Event macro in place for the worksheet.


Many thanks for yr help.

That works.

David Biddulph said:
Select the range that you want to sort, including whichever rows & column
you want sorting, then choose Data/ Sort, and tell it which column to sort

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