Sorting Excel columns in several worksheets at once.



I have information in several excel worksheets. All worksheets are formated
the same within the file. How do I sort all the worksheets at once by one of
the columns, for instance sort all worksheets by column A.

Dave Peterson

You could record a macro that sorts the data the way you want. Then run that
same code for each worksheet that you need sorted.

For example, this expects headers in row 1 of each worksheet. It sorts columns
A:G and determines the last row by the last row used in column A.

And it it uses column 1 (A), column 3 (C), and column 5 (E) as the key columns.

Option Explicit
Sub testme01()

Dim myRng As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet

For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With wks
Set myRng = .Range("a1:G" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
End With

With myRng
.Cells.Sort key1:=.Columns(1), order1:=xlAscending, _
key2:=.Columns(3), order2:=xlAscending, _
key3:=.Columns(5), order3:=xlAscending, _
End With
Next wks
End Sub

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