sorting drop down in access 2000


Chris Noë


I'm using Ms Access 2000 (9.0.6926 SP-3) on Win 2000
I'm having a dropdown field on an access form that is populated using a
query. This query is based on an Oracle table using ODBC. For this query,
the sort order is defined.
The Access application is located on a network drive.
When I start up the application, the order of the dropdown is ok.
When another users starts op the application (from the same network drive)
is is not ordered.
What can be wrong here ? Is there some client configuration that influences
the behaviour of a drop down list ?


Arvin Meyer

There shouldn't be. Assuming the Oracle table is linked, the syntax of the
rowsource of the combobox should be something like:

select indexfield, displayfield from oracletablename order by displayfield;

The Order By clause should be all that's necessary.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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