Sorting Data



I have a spread sheet with invoice numbers and info on it, I am wanting to
sort all of the invoice numbers to the correct order but at the same time
keep all of the relevent info with the same invoice number?? How do i do this?


Mike H


If you select all the columns and sort on the invoice number column then all
the data remain intact and stay with their respective invoice number.



Select entire area involved, then sort by the column or row that has the
invoice numbers in it.

Gord Dibben

Do you have one row of data per invoice number?

If so, make sure you select all colmns before sorting.

If you have an invoice number column then multiple rows of data for that
number you will have to first insert the invoice number into the blank

number1 data
blank data
blank data
number2 data
blank data


Easiest way to do this is select the number column and F5>Special>Balnks>OK

Type an = sign in top blank and arrow up or point to cell above.

CTRL + ENTER to fill in the blanks.

Copy>Paste Special>Values>OK>Esc.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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