sorting by zip codes using the mailing address


Grandma Barb

We have two addresses for many snowbirds in our Outlook
contacts. We select from the addresses to indicate
whether a family is in Florida enjoying the sun or up
north. When we mail we use the mail merge using the
mailing address. How can we get these to sort by zip code
for our bulk mailing? Is there a way to extract the zip
from the mailing address? If so, I will program for the
sort if I can remember how. . . I haven't used it for a
couple of years.


Judy Gleeson

If you mailmerge from Outlook Contacts (there are many posts about why and
how to do this) then you could Sort by Zip code before you merge. You could
Group By zip code and merge to each group at a time.

Judy Gleeson
Acorn Training


But how do I sort by zip codes since some will have the
Home Address and other recipients will have tht Other

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