Sorting by time (o'clock)



I have a list of which an example is below, that I need to sort by the
date then the time.
This information is in 1 (each) cell. 3-26-Wed - 6:00 PM - Company -
Alhambra Dinner Theater - Jax - 641-1212

The problem is that when it sorts the numbers it sorts the time
numerically with out paying any attention to AM or PM.
Is there a way to get this to sort properly, or does the time HAVE TO
BE in its own cell to make it work?

3-26-Wed - 8:00 PM - Three Ways To Get a Husband - T-U Moran Theater
3-26-Wed - Spring '08 - A Student Annual - FCCJ South Gallery Art
3-27-Thu - 6:00 PM - Company - Alhambra Dinner Theater - Jax -
3-27-Thu - 7:30 AM - An Evening with the Beach Boys - Moran Theater
3-27-Thu - Spring '08 - A Student Annual - FCCJ South Gallery Art
3-28-Fri - 1:30 PM - Animal Detective - Tillie K. Fowler Regional
Park Nature Center - 7000 Roosevelt Blvd. - Wild animals can be very
difficult to observe since many species are active at night or avoid
being around people. Learn to identify some of the more common animals
by their tracks and other signs, and make a plaster cast of a track to
take home.
3-28-Fri - 6:00 PM - Company - Alhambra Dinner Theater - Jax -
3-28-Fri - 7:00 PM - Art After Dark - Florida Theatre
3-28-Fri - 8:00 PM - The Night of the Iguana - Players by the Sea -
106 Sixth St. N. - Jax Bch - 249-0289
3-28-Fri - 9:30 AM - Nature Discovery - Tillie K. Fowler Regional
Park - 7000 Roosevelt Blvd. - Tour the nature center at one of
Jacksonville's largest nature parks and learn about the native Florida
animals, both living and non-living, on display here. Following the
indoor tour, join the parks naturalist for a guided nature walk.
3-28-Fri - Spring '08 - A Student Annual - FCCJ South Gallery Art

Dave Peterson

Those are just plain old text strings. Yeah, they look like times to a human,
but not to excel.

I would put the date and time in the same cell and sort the data by that single

But if you really wanted, you could put the date in one column and the time in
another and use both columns in the sort.

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