Sorting an Address List



I have a list of addresses I want to sort. It was exported from a
website, so it came into Excel this way:

Company Name1
City, State, Zip1

Company Name2
City, State, Zip2

And so on...

My goal is to get this list into colums where column A is Name, column
B is Address, column C is CityStateZip and ColumnD is Phone. This way
I can do a mail merge, or import it into Access.

I hope my example makes sense. Thanks for your help.


N Harkawat

If you data is always 4 rows of address then a blank row and then again 4
rows of next address and so on do the following:-

copy this address range from Cell F6 downwards

then on cell A2 type for company name

On cell B2 type for address1

On cell C2 for City,state

And finally on D2 for phone

and copy these 4 formulas all the way down.

This will give you your desired address list in columns that you can then
copy--> paste special--> values

to de-link them from the formulas and you could then easily sort


assuming your list starts in A1 and is 4 lines with a blank line consistently

in b1
in c1
in d1
in e1

and copy down



Ok. Here is what to do. Get your data that is currently all in a column and
paste into a new worksheet starting at cell A1. (i.e so column A contains
your data)

Now for each address you have 4 rows i.e.

A1 Company Name1
A2 Address1
A3 City, State, Zip1
A4 Phone1

So let us suppose (as above) that A1 = Company Name1 A2 = Address1 A3= City,
State, Zip1 A4 = Phone 1

Then you have your next address starting in cell A5 or A6 (whatever - it
doesn't matter).

Ok, this is the tricky bit.

Go to cell B1 and highlight B1:E1 i.e 4 columns. Now type in the white
coloured cell...


This bit is now crucial. DO NOT PRESS ENTER but instead press

This will place you data in columns.

Now highlight cells B1:E1 and press CTRL + C (this is the shortcut for copy
but is much faster).

Now select the cell B5 or B6 i.e. wherever CompanyName2 is adjacent in
column A and press CTRL + V (i.e. paste shortcut). Keep on doing this for all
you address and this will place them all in columns.

Now to finish off, I would copy the entire range of inputs and then select


This will make the values in columns no longer dependent upon column A
inputs. Now you are free to format the sheet as you like and do your mail
merge etc...

Do write back if you encounter problems...


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