Sorted ListBox with Custom Collection DataSource


Andreas Zita


I have a ListBox with a Custom Collection (Customers) as DataSource. The
collection implements IBindingList, but only the change notification part.
When changing a customers name in the collection I also sort the list using
InnerList.Sort(). The problem occurs when a certain item is selected int the
listbox while Im changing the name from a bound textbox in the same form.
This triggers the Sort() but apparently the bindingcontext is still focused
on the same position, which now is a completely different customer! How can
I make the bindingcontext to stay updated with the position of the selected

/Andreas Zita

Bart Mermuys


Andreas Zita said:

I have a ListBox with a Custom Collection (Customers) as DataSource. The
collection implements IBindingList, but only the change notification part.
When changing a customers name in the collection I also sort the list
using InnerList.Sort(). The problem occurs when a certain item is selected
int the listbox while Im changing the name from a bound textbox in the
same form. This triggers the Sort() but apparently the bindingcontext is
still focused on the same position, which now is a completely different
customer! How can I make the bindingcontext to stay updated with the
position of the selected item?

What does your code look like before & after InnerList.Sort() ? Are you
using ListChangedType.ItemMoved like :

public class CustomList : CollectionBase, IBindingList
// ...
internal void OnItemChanged(CustomObject o)
int oldIdx = List.IndexOf(o);

if ( ListChanged!=null )
ListChanged(this, new ListChangedEventArgs(
ListChangedType.ItemChanged, oldIdx));


int newIdx = List.IndexOf(o);

if ( ListChanged!=null && newIdx!=oldIdx )
ListChanged(this, new ListChangedEventArgs(
ListChangedType.ItemMoved, newIdx, oldIdx));
// ...


Andreas Zita

Thanks! Of course! No I was doing it a bit different... but your way worked
much better.

/Andreas Zita

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