

Ivan Vegvary

I have to sort expenses. Column A are dates, columns B-J are data. I would
like to sort this list on column a (dates) in ascending order. According to
Excel Help I should park my cursor in column A and then push the Sort
Ascending button.

Result: Column A does get sorted but the data in the corresponding rows do
not go along with it. I've tried it over 50 times and it does not work.
What am I missing?

Original Data
11/12/06 $5.00
11/04/06 $6.00
11/08/06 $7.00

Desired Results
11/04/06 $6.00
11/08/06 $7.00
11/12/06 $5.00

11/04/06 $5.00
11/08/06 $6.00
11/12/06 $7.00

All help appreciated.

Ivan Vegvary


Hi Ivan

As your table is not complete excel may have problems working out the used

Therefore select the total table in this example A1:D3 and then sort and it
should work.

if you want to sort on data and then sum add an extra column and do a sum.

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