Sort Records Descending in Filtered Subform?



Hi all,

I have a subform which is filtered based on the main form. The subform
is based on a table, which holds the primary key of the main form
table as a foreign key. The default sort is ascending (by autonumber
primary key in subform table). I would like to sort this descendingly.
I'm using Access 2000. I don't want to change everything to base the
subform on a query. Is this possible to do while still basing the
subform on a table? Please let me know if more info is needed.

Thanks in advance.


Why the opposition to a Query? All you need to do to change it to a query is
create a query based on your table that includes all your fields, apply the
sort order, save it. Then open your subform and change the source. As long as
you don't rename any of your fields in the query. All of the fields in the
subform will still display correct.



Have you tried using the forms "Order By" property?

You could set this when the main form loads or in the timer event of the
main form.

Private Sub Form_Open

if me.Subform_control_name.ControlSource <> "" then
me.Subform_control_Name.Form.Order_By = "[SomeField] DESC"

end sub


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