Sort Order in Contacts



Is it possible to sort imported Contacts (IE6 .wab) by Last Name, First
Name? This is easily done in IE6 but I've not discovered the proper buttons
to make it work in Vista's mailer.

If this is possible, please advise me how. If it's not possible please fix
it before RTM.


Steve Cochran

Right click in the Contacts pane and choose Sort by and you can set it to
sort by Last Name.



Steve Cochran said:
Right click in the Contacts pane and choose Sort by and you can set it to
sort by Last Name.


Thanks Steve but there seems to be another trick necessary at least in my
case. In order to get my OE6 imported .wab to sort on last name, I had to
go into View (on the Main Menu bar. BTW, why two Views?), Choose Details,
and move Last Name to the top of the list. Then choose list and sort by
last name.

Undoubtedly Microsoft considers this to be an improvement over the simple
and accurate way used in OE.

Thanks for the response.

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