Sort Dataset For Display


Phil Seaton

This is a follow up to

"Everytime I add a new record in dataset, it will be added to the last
It will become unsorted dataset even when I edit the primary key data.
there anyhow I can sort a dataset without using dataview? I'm not
able to
find the particular row with this unsorted dataset using dataview. I
do not
want to loop the dataset just to find a record and this is not
I'm using a treeview, so I need a tidy dataset. Any ideas?"

In terms of displaying the dataset (as a tree view) in a sorted
fashion I found this worked

Dim i, n As Integer
Dim parentrow As DataRow
Dim ParentTable As DataTable
ParentTable = mMPANDataSet.Tables(0)
For Each parentrow In ParentTable.Select("item is not null",
Dim parentnode As TreeNode
parentnode = New TreeNode(parentrow.Item("item"))
Next parentrow

the key here is that the sort (using dataset table select) is done in
the for each statement, the following does not work

Dim i, n As Integer
Dim parentrow As DataRow
Dim ParentTable As DataTable
ParentTable = mMPANDataSet.Tables(0)
For Each parentrow In ParentTable.Rows
Dim parentnode As TreeNode
parentnode = New TreeNode(parentrow.Item("item"))
Next parentrow

Rajesh Patel

after insert a datarow, resort it. so, it won't remain unsorted.

Rajesh Patel

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