Sort By Title



I have a 310 powerpoint slide show and I need to to sort by Title of each
slide. Is this possible?

There are SO many slides that it would take forever to sort. Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



Not natively but maybe some VBA or an add-in could do the trick. I must
admit I do not know of any existing for the moment, but maybe someone else

Steve Rindsberg

I have a 310 powerpoint slide show and I need to to sort by Title of each
slide. Is this possible?

There are SO many slides that it would take forever to sort. Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Cindy. Say "Thank you, John." He put me up to this.

John, a modest "You're welcome" for Cindy.

Now go here:

Sort a presentation based on slide titles

That should do the job.

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