Sort by conditional formats?



I haven't seen anyone come close to this question, but is there a way to get
a sheet to sort by conditional formats I've set up. For instance, I've used
Green, Yellow, and Red. Is there an easy way to get it to sort it just by
the color, and not by the numbers contained in the cells?

Bob Phillips


The UDF just gets the CI, so would also need a helper column to sort on. I
thought the article said that, but I will check it.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Ron Rosenfeld


The UDF just gets the CI, so would also need a helper column to sort on. I
thought the article said that, but I will check it.


You misunderstood me. My point was that your UDF would NOT get the CI when the
CI was set by CF. At least it did not on the limited testing I did.


Bob Phillips

Oh yes, it doesn't do that (yet!)> I have a page on that that I need to
integrate. Just need the time <g>


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