Sort bug on Excel 2007



On Excel 2003 it works perfectly, on Excel 2007 I have error 1004 "sort
method of range class failed".

Sub SortSalary(CellToSort As String, SortRange1 As String)
Sheets(1).Range(SortRange1).Sort Key1:=Range(CellToSort),
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End if

Is it a bug on Excel 2007?

Helmut Meukel

The range in Key1 is not full qualified,
try this:
Sheets(1).Range(SortRange1).Sort _
Key1:=Sheets(1).Range(CellToSort), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes



Thanks, but it does not work.
I have sheet(1) as active sheet and it does work on Excel 2003, the problem
is Excel 2007.

Rick Rothstein

Your code, as posted originally, worked fine for me on my copy of XL2007. I
did not get any error when I tried it with headers in A1:G1, sample data in
A2:G10 and using this line to call your code...

SortSalary "C1", "A1:G10"

No errors were reported and the data sorted as expected.

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