sort 2D array




Here is a bubble sort for an array in ascending order I've taken from J-Walk
book. Could some one help my modify it to sort a 2D array based on 1st

I only need an ascending order, and I think if it only sorts horizontal
array I'd be fine as well.

Your help is very much appreciated.


Sub BubbleSortNumbers(iArray As Variant)
'Sorts the iArray in ascending order
Dim First As Single, Last As Single
Dim lTemp As Single
Dim j As Integer, i As Integer

First = LBound(iArray)
Last = UBound(iArray)

For i = First To Last - 1
For j = i + 1 To Last
If iArray(i) > iArray(j) Then
lTemp = iArray(j)
iArray(j) = iArray(i)
iArray(i) = lTemp
End If
Debug.Print i, iArray(i)
Debug.Print j, iArray(j)
Next j
Next i

End Sub


Try this:

Sub BubbleSort2D(iArray As Variant)
'Sorts the iArray in ascending order
Dim First As Integer, Last As Integer
Dim lTemp As Variant
Dim j As Integer, i As Integer, k As Integer

First = LBound(iArray, 1)
Last = UBound(iArray, 1)
FirstCol = LBound(iArray, 2)
Lastcol = UBound(iArray, 2)
For i = First To Last - 1
For j = i + 1 To Last
If iArray(i, 1) > iArray(j, 1) Then
For k = FirstCol To Lastcol
lTemp = iArray(j, k)
iArray(j, k) = iArray(i, k)
iArray(i, k) = lTemp
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i

End Sub

Sub test()
Dim arr() As Variant
arr = Range("a1:D20")
BubbleSort2D arr
Range("a1:D20") = arr
End Sub

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