Something weird started



I have been using Front Page for a long time now. But something strange has
started happening.
Let me start by saying I have Offixe XP and FP 2002.

When I select txt, and click hyperlink to make the selected test a link, it
used to bring up my current web, with all the pages and the open pages
listed. Now it has started something different. It opens up to my desktop.
If I click My Network Places, it shows my web, but no pages in it. Even if I
click "show all pages" at the bottom.
Nothing has changed, I haven't added anything or done any updates, yet this
started to do this.

Since this started, I have reinstalled MsOffice, but the problem continues.

Can someone help me here?

Steve Easton

It sure sounds like you only have a page open for editing instead of opening your web and then a

Also FrontPage will save the last location you browsed to when inserting a link or image as a
"default" location in the registry.
To change it, make sure you have a web and then a page open and then insert your file or hyperlink.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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How would one check to see if the page is open for editing?? And not the
web?? When I save a change to something that already exists, and just click
the save icon, the change is made on the live site. So I think I am in the
live web.

Thomas A. Rowe

By making sure that you always use File Menu | Open Web / Site first, then open your pages.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Steve Easton

It's a good habit to "always" launch FrontPage.
Then: click File> Open Web. ( Open site in FP 2003 )
Then: once the web is open, select a page or pages within the web to edit.

If for example you have a html file on your desktop, and right click and select Edit, the file will
open in FrontPage editor.
FrontPage then considers your Desktop as the folder containing the "web" because that's where the
file lives.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Thomas A. Rowe

The best way to open it, in which case the web is open.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Ok. A little more info. The web i am refering to, is a sub web. The main
web, and all the otehr webs work fine, it is just the one. So to access it,
I am opening the main web, and double clicking the sub. Is there another way
to do this??



I guess another question I have is. Why after uninstalling FP then
reinstalling it, would it keep this same nature? Shouldn't it have defaulted
back to the way it started?


So then what am I doing wrong.. or what has changed. I found out something
else. If I create a new page, and go to save brings up the default
MyWeb folder on my computer...something is weird here.

Thomas A. Rowe

Try this... Open the root and then subweb, then publish the subweb to another subweb under the root
and see if this eliminates the issue on the new subweb, if so, then delete the original subweb.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Steve Easton

Did you restart the machine between the uninstall and the reinstall??

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer


Ok. Here is what I did. I uninstalled FP. Then deleted all temp files.
Rebooted, installed FP..and it works correctly now.
Thanks for all the ideas and help

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