something very wrong help



Hi I am having trouble with xp home it is 2
yr. old I have mcafee virus scan on sence
beging. I do not take windows update because
I did it once and a BIG mess I need to know
why my task Manger won't come up when I do
ctrl-alt-delete 20 little boxs show up on the
task bar no window I have scaned for virus
none some times my virus update get hung so I
delete it and reinstalled some times a program
closes I would like to know if something is
missing or I need to update. what update do I take
I have sp1 on it I know i can't take all updates
that they have it makes a mess of my computer
do I take only securty , and patches. if anybody
knows what wrong help or do I need to reinstall xp


Your problem basically is that you fear updates. If you do the updates, turn
on firewall and don't open attachments in e-mail from unknown sources you
won't have any problems. You should also, once the prededing is done, get rid
of virus programs as they cause far more problems than they prevent.

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