Some Question about Socket TCPclient



Hi everyone
I have couple of question regarding my coding I am going a Server
using TcpClient!
1) Does anyone know why do I get Junk when the client connects
initially? I have to use ByPassStartupWord to bypass the initial junk
2) Is my method of watch Dog to Timer to check if the client has timed
out or disconnected is any good? Or is there any other method of doing
3) Am I using the right method of disposing the Class using the sub
DisposeAndDisconect? It seem that when I use that the CPU goes really
high, not sure if the class has been disposed !
Thank you !

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading
Public Class TCPIP
Dim _Counter As Integer = 0

Public ReadOnly Property NumberofConn()
Return _Counter
End Get
End Property

Public Sub StartServer(Optional ByVal ServerIP As String =
Dim IpEP As New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ServerIP), 35)
Dim SckListener As New Sockets.TcpListener(IpEP)
While True
_Counter += 1

Dim SMTPConn As Sockets.TcpClient =
Dim ClientC As New SMTP(SMTPConn, _Counter)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf ClientC.Start)

End While
End Sub

End Class

Public Class SMTP
Implements IDisposable

Dim MyClient As Sockets.TcpClient
Dim MyID As Integer = 0
Dim NetStreem As Sockets.NetworkStream
Dim DataBytes(1024) As Byte

Dim ClientDogWatch As New Timers.Timer
Dim WDStatusTimeOut As Boolean = False
Dim LastReceivedData As New Date

Sub New(ByVal SmtpClient As Sockets.TcpClient, ByVal ClientID As
MyClient = SmtpClient
MyID = ClientID
End Sub

Public Sub [Start]()
Dim MyData As String = String.Empty
Dim DataLen As Integer = 0
Dim ByPassStartupWord As Boolean = False

NetStreem = MyClient.GetStream

MyClient.ReceiveTimeout = 10000
MyClient.SendTimeout = 10000

ClientDogWatch.Interval = 30000

'set up Watch dog
AddHandler ClientDogWatch.Elapsed, AddressOf

While True

If NetStreem.DataAvailable Then
If NetStreem.CanRead Then
'Get Data from sockets
DataLen = NetStreem.Read(DataBytes, 0,
MyData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString
(DataBytes, 0, DataLen).Trim

xMailStatus = MailSatus.RECEIVE_DATA

If MyData.Length > 0 Then
If ByPassStartupWord = False Then
'By pass the initial junk received form socket
ByPassStartupWord = True
Debug.Print(MyID & ":" & MyData)
End If
End If
End If

End If

If Not MyClient.Connected Or WDStatusTimeOut = True
'exit loop upon error
Exit While
End If

End While
'Dispose everything and close Connection with client
Call DisposeAndDisonnect()

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

End Sub

Private Sub CheckLastRcvTime()
'Close Connection when Connection is lost after 30sec
If DateAndTime.DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, LastReceivedData,
Now) > 30 Then
xMailStatus = MailSatus.MAIL_LOST
WDStatusTimeOut = True
End If
End Sub

Public Sub DisposeAndDisonnect()
End Sub

Private disposedValue As Boolean = False ' To detect
redundant calls

' IDisposable
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If Not Me.disposedValue Then
If disposing Then

' TODO: free other state (managed objects).
End If

' TODO: free your own state (unmanaged objects).
' TODO: set large fields to null.
End If
Me.disposedValue = True
End Sub

#Region " IDisposable Support "
' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the
disposable pattern.
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal
disposing As Boolean) above.
End Sub
#End Region

End Class


Hi Mike,
About the SMTP, its actually a POP3 server ! i will look in to the
thank you

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