Some problem with Excel VBA Userform




I am using Excel 2002, and I am new to VBA in Excel.

I created a userform (named frmCost) within an Excel file, and on on
of the Excel sheets, I added a button (called BtnStart) to control th
loading of the userform.

The codes are:

Private Sub BtnStart_Click()
Dim frmCostCal As New frmCost

With frmCostCal


End With

End Sub

Also on the userform, I added an "exit" button to unload the userfor
and return to Excel. The codes are:

Private Sub btnExit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

The problem is, sometimes when I click the "Start" button, the Exce
crashes. This happens randomly, esp. when the button is clicked righ
after opening the Excel file.

Any help or advice will be highly appreciated.


Dave Peterson

Just guesses....

#1. Close excel and clean up the windows temp folder. Excel uses this folder
to store a bunch of files that get created with controls on a userform (and
activex controls on a worksheet). Maybe there's something that's confusing

#2. Try Rob Bovey's code cleaner program. It exports the modules and reimports
them. There can be some detritus left behind that causes unexplainable errors.

You may want to try Rob Bovey's code cleaner.

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