Some Excel dates can't be imported into sql server?



I have a spreadsheet that I tried to import into sql server. Some
columns have dates in them. I find that some columns do appear in the
resulting database table with their dates. But in one column of the
database table, the dates are converted to blanks. I looked at that
column in the spreadsheet, and I tried formatting it differently, but
that didn't help. I thought that maybe the column had text fields
that looked like dates, but that doesn't seem to be it either.
The resulting database table looks odd because the dates from this
column don't become NULLs, instead they become blank strings. Usually
a blank cell in a spreadsheet translates to a NULL in the database
table, but when these dates are present in the spreadsheet, they
translate to a string of zero or more blanks.
If anyone has run into this before, and solved it, let me know.

Barb Reinhardt

Is it possible that the dates that aren't imported are text. In an adjacent
column put this

=ISTEXT(A1). (or whatever the cell address is)

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