? solve problems w winfax Outlook 2003 keeps crashing


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Of course. Symantec has not updated it to be compatible.
Well documented. Ask them about it.

Brian Tillman

Cesar said:
Have Winfax pro 10.02 does not work with outlook and keeps crashing
it any Idea ?

Yea. Symantec's web site explicitly says "Winfax Pro V1.002 is not
compatible with Outlook 2003".


Symantec has published on their web site for you to "call" them for tech
support. If your problem is found to be due to Winfax 10.02, symantec has a
special version they wil send you.."free". I have yet to try it since Winfax
10 causes an error when exiting Outlook 2003.

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