"Software License Agreement" class?


bruce gilland

Hi all,

I am new to Visual C++. I need to implement a software
install program, which at one point needs to display a
screen of licensing text, possibly scrollable. At the
bottom, it needs the usual "Accept" and "Decline"

I would like the text to be able to come from a text file
so that it can be changed without rebuilding the

I am guessing that this is a common thing to do, and that
there might already be a widget to do this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

thanks, bruce

Nishant S

I doubt that anyone will have written a generic control for this, because it
only involves a dialog, an edit box and two buttons. In the OnInitDialog
open the license file and set its contents to the edit box. The cancel
button exits the program and the ok button brings up the main window :)

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