"Software Application" has Encountered a Problem and Needs to Close



I frequently have a problem with several unrelated software programs (Quicken, Windows Media Player, etc.) where an error window will pop up saying: "Quicken Executable <or whatever software application happens to be running> has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please tell Microsoft about the problem." A choice to "Send Error Report" or "Don't Send" is provided.

The software then just shuts down.

I have been told that it is an XP problem. I upgraded to XP Home Edition from Win98. Someone told me that "upgrade versions" of XP were known for having problems.

Can anyone give me some advice?


i am having the same problem did you recieve any help on this? please let me know

----- Bob wrote: ----

I frequently have a problem with several unrelated software programs (Quicken, Windows Media Player, etc.) where an error window will pop up saying: "Quicken Executable <or whatever software application happens to be running> has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please tell Microsoft about the problem." A choice to "Send Error Report" or "Don't Send" is provided

The software then just shuts down

I have been told that it is an XP problem. I upgraded to XP Home Edition from Win98. Someone told me that "upgrade versions" of XP were known for having problems.

Can anyone give me some advice?


No, not yet. But if you peruse through this newsgroup, it is apparent that this problem is widespread. One response said that we have the Sasser worm. But I used the Sasser Worm Detection tool through Symantec and the diagnosis said that my computer did NOT have the Sasser worm. Sooo.....I'm still waiting for help. I've had this problem for a year or so

----- jb1111 wrote: ----

i am having the same problem did you recieve any help on this? please let me know

----- Bob wrote: ----

I frequently have a problem with several unrelated software programs (Quicken, Windows Media Player, etc.) where an error window will pop up saying: "Quicken Executable <or whatever software application happens to be running> has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please tell Microsoft about the problem." A choice to "Send Error Report" or "Don't Send" is provided

The software then just shuts down

I have been told that it is an XP problem. I upgraded to XP Home Edition from Win98. Someone told me that "upgrade versions" of XP were known for having problems.

Can anyone give me some advice?

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