Social Security numbers



Sometime ago I asked about having a column a numbers (soc sec numbers) and
one more numbers in them, making a total of 10 numbers. I wanted to strip the
last digit.

I was helped by using the following function: =left(a1,9), then I was
instructed to copy the whole column where the 9 digits were and paste them
special>value to another column. That way I have the value and not the
formula. However, when I want to format the resulting value column to
represent a social security number, it does not accomplish it.

I have two problems:

When stripping the last digit the function LEFT does not take in account a
left zero (leading zero) and,

How can I format the resulting number to represent a social security number?




If it is because your leading zeros are dropping off and leaving yo
with a shorter string try


What format are your social security numbers in?


Hi Ruthki,

Ok, I'll try that. And the format the social security number is 000-00-0000





If all values are numbers I would use a custom format to format th
number into what I wanted.

But first I think you need to change the text string to a value b
surrounding it with the Value formula so you end up with


Then with a custom format - select Format, Cells then Custom at th
bottom of the available list. Type in 000-000-0000 in the box belo
the word Type on the right hand side - this should then format you
numbers appropriately. Remember to format all the cells which wil
contain your social security numbers.

Alternatively you can use a mix of Left() mid() and Right() function
combined together with &"-"&


Hi Ruthki,

Yes, I try to format the column under custom, that's where the soc sec
format is along with zip code etc...

This hint of using =VALUE(LEFT(B9,LEN(B9)-1)), I think will do the trick. :)

Thanks and I'll let you know.

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