smtp error Outlook 2003



New laptop on the network running Outlook 2003 on Windows XP Professional.

Can receive email just fine. When I attempt to send I get the message that
it found the mail server but there was no response. He is the only one with
an email send problem in the building.

I have tried the following:
I have contacted the ISP and verified the settings.
Outlook Express - same error
I have tried setting up a new account and profile - same error.
I have disabled Symantec Corporate Anti-Virus - same error.
I have booted into Safe Mode with network support - same error.
I have tried to telnet to the server - timed out.
Note: I can telnet from other PCs.

Any ideas?



Your smtp server setting is wrong, most likely. Or you are using a different
mail acct through another server--like trying to send Earthlink mail through
AOL servers. Look for a solution on the email provider's site.

Brian Tillman

Dave O. said:
Can receive email just fine. When I attempt to send I get the
message that it found the mail server but there was no response. He
is the only one with an email send problem in the building.

Could be a routing table issue on that particluar PC. Open a command line
window and enter

route print

See if the routing table looks appropriate.

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