Small Array is too big for AVERAGE Function?



Hi. I have an array where if a certain value (in cell T28) matches an entry
in column A of array A3:D82, it returns the corresponding value in column D.
The formula is:

This formula has worked great up until today. But today T28 corresponded
with a value more than half way down the array, and the array formula returns
Div/0. I know that the equation is correct because if I change one of the
higher rows to the same number, it again works correctly.

This surprises me since my table is not that large. Anyone ever run into
this problem and/or a solution!



I don't get a div/0 error.

I used your formula and have the following values in the following cells:

T28: 0
D12: 4
A11: 2

I do, however, get a div/0 error if column D doesn't contain any data.



Another possibility is the value corresponding to the one in T28 (in
column D) was accidentally made a Text value at some point.


Harlan Grove

Scott wrote...
Another possibility is the value corresponding to the one in T28 (in
column D) was accidentally made a Text value at some point.

Yet another possibility is that if T28 and A3:A82 were all numeric,
they may appear equal but actually contain slightly different values.
That is, 2.3 and 2.30000000001 would likely appear the same on screen
as cell values, but they won't be equal in the array formula. First
thing to check is whether the formula =COUNTIF(A3:A82,T28) returns a
positive number.


i agree Harlan specially when either T28 or A3:A82 are triggered by formula.
A rounding formula may be necessary...on either T28 or A3:A82...wherever..

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