Halle Lulia

I posted the below e-mail a few days ago. I followed the advice and ridded
59 spyware from my system using Ad-Aware 6.

The problem, however, REMAINS!!! Anyone at all assist?

Thank you,

Mike Hotmango


Hello geniuses - Hoping you can help...

I have Internet Explorer
6.0.2800.1106.xpclnt_qfe.021108-2107. Whenever I
click on the blue IE icon on my desktop it now takes
10-20 seconds for Internet Explorer to load.


When I right-click on any hyperlink on a website and
click on "Open In New Window", the new window will
take 10-20 seconds to open up with the new page.

I have tried the following...

Norton Virus Scan
Norton Systemworks Checks (Disk Doctor, WinDoctor)
Disk Defragmenter
Disk Cleanup
System Restore (went back 10 days - way before the
problem ever existed.)

I even reloaded Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1
(SP1) over my existing browser...and it did not work.

Now, one thing to note. Once I get to any website,
there is no speed problem going from hyperlink to
hyperlink to hyperlink. Hence, the only problems are
the ones I list above.

Can anyone assist?

Forever greatful,

Mike Hotmango

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Halle Lulia said:
I posted the below e-mail a few days ago. I followed the advice and
ridded 59 spyware from my system using Ad-Aware 6.

The problem, however, REMAINS!!! Anyone at all assist?

Thank you,

Mike Hotmango


Hello geniuses - Hoping you can help...

I have Internet Explorer
6.0.2800.1106.xpclnt_qfe.021108-2107. Whenever I
click on the blue IE icon on my desktop it now takes
10-20 seconds for Internet Explorer to load.


When I right-click on any hyperlink on a website and
click on "Open In New Window", the new window will
take 10-20 seconds to open up with the new page.

I have tried the following...

Norton Virus Scan
Norton Systemworks Checks (Disk Doctor, WinDoctor)
Disk Defragmenter
Disk Cleanup
System Restore (went back 10 days - way before the
problem ever existed.)

I even reloaded Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1
(SP1) over my existing browser...and it did not work.

Now, one thing to note. Once I get to any website,
there is no speed problem going from hyperlink to
hyperlink to hyperlink. Hence, the only problems are
the ones I list above.

Can anyone assist?

Forever greatful,

Mike Hotmango

Go to , and download Hijack This.

Unzip, doubleclick HijackThis.exe, and hit "Scan".

When the scan is finished, the "Scan" button will change into a "Save
Log" button.
Press that, and save the log somewhere.

NOTE: Most of what Hijack This lists will be harmless, or even required, so
do NOT fix anything

Next, go to

Sign in, go to the Browser Hijacking/Spyware Removal section, press "new
topic", explain your
problem, and copy and
paste the contents of the Hijack This log into your new message. You'll get
expert assistance in
dealing with your problem, and I can assure you that you'll be rid of it in
no time at all.

Halle Lulia

Standing Ovation to Mr. Saunders!!! His advice worked!! I never thought my
computer would be fixed...I thought I was going to have to reformat my hard
drive this weekend.

Thank you!


Daniel S

Hi there!

I've also try this thing.. and now my Internet explorer is more faster than
it was!

Thanks :)


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