Slow response opening Formats?



In Excel 2007 when I right click on a cell, go to and choose Formats it takes
about 12-15 seconds to open and then once I complete my task it takes at
least 12-15 seconds to close the window once I press "X". Novice here...


What are the specs on your computer (CPU type/speed and RAM installed)? You
can get this info by right-clicking on My Computer and choosing Properties
and examining the [General] tab. Also, which operating system are you using.

I really don't have an answer for you, but this info may provide others some
help in advising you. On my Vista system with Office 2007 with an Intel
CordDuo 6600 CPU with 2GB RAM I see it taking maybe 1/4 second to open the
format window when I choose [Format] | Format Cells and after formatting a
single cell it closes very quickly. Nothing like the 12-15 second delay
you're experiencing.

Dave Peterson

I don't use xl2007 to be helpful, but in earlier versions of excel, changing the
printer (or printer driver) sometimes helps.

Excel and most (all?) windows programs will use the printer driver to determine
how to display stuff on the screen.

There have been posts that say changing from a network printer to a local
printer helps--or even getting a new/fresh printer driver helps.


Thanks these are my spec's:

Dell 9100
Pentium D
3.00 Ghz
1.5 GB of Ram, Crucial Gold
No installed printer
Windows XP
Originally downloaded the trial version of Office 2007 Pro (Problem from day
Just purchased a full copy of Office 2007 Standard, uninstalled Pro and
re-installed new copy but still have same problem.

JLatham said:
What are the specs on your computer (CPU type/speed and RAM installed)? You
can get this info by right-clicking on My Computer and choosing Properties
and examining the [General] tab. Also, which operating system are you using.

I really don't have an answer for you, but this info may provide others some
help in advising you. On my Vista system with Office 2007 with an Intel
CordDuo 6600 CPU with 2GB RAM I see it taking maybe 1/4 second to open the
format window when I choose [Format] | Format Cells and after formatting a
single cell it closes very quickly. Nothing like the 12-15 second delay
you're experiencing.

blueshoes9001 said:
In Excel 2007 when I right click on a cell, go to and choose Formats it takes
about 12-15 seconds to open and then once I complete my task it takes at
least 12-15 seconds to close the window once I press "X". Novice here...


Thanks Dave I will try that tonight, I do not use a printer on this machine,
never installed one but I can still change the drivers up a bit...


So...yes it did appear to be the printer this case I had not
installed a printer on this machine, by chance last night I added a network
printer because I actually needed to printe something and had not tried Excel
since, but seems to be working perfectly now...thx!

Dave Peterson

Thanks for posting back with your results.

Now google will have for any future searcher.

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