slow PC



When i open ie7 the laptop slows down. Also i just upgraded this machine so
there is lots of room and the speed is there too (the processor reads as
follow:intel celeron(R) CPU 2.4GHz,2.39GHz 752MB of ram).
Please help. Thank you.


Gary thank you, I did scan for malware and it is clean. please let me know
if you have more suggetion. Thank you.


Download and install Malwarebytes. Also remove all this toolbars that get
installed with programs. Toolbars have been known to slow down your broswer.
Also when running Malwarebytes, run it from safe mode. When you power on the
PC press F8 until you get to the advanced options screen and select it from

Good Luck


slow performance is
not always attributed
to infections.

click on start>run>

then under the startup
tab disable all the
processes that are

you may want to jot
down which ones they

next go to services
tab and "hide" all
microsoft services.

what remains on the
list you can jot them
down too and then
disable them.

then reboot and
analyze the system

if you see an improvement
then you had successfully
disable the culprit.

the burden for you is
to look on the list and
decide which could be
the one(s) causing the
slow down and keep
them disabled.

if you need help in

just post your listing
and we can help.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- Microsoft Partner
~~~~~~~~~~"share the nirvana" - dbZen


If the Internet seems slow down when using IE7 maybe you have a slow
internet connection.
If the whole system slows down when your using IE7 and you have no malware
and have checked your start ups too make sure nothing you really don’t need
is starting
I would suggest more RAM..752 is really nothing nowadays and with a older
Celeron processor
you also most likely have older parts.You did not say what you upgraded.


Ken Blake, MVP

If the Internet seems slow down when using IE7 maybe you have a slow
internet connection.
If the whole system slows down when your using IE7 and you have no malware
and have checked your start ups too make sure nothing you really don’t need
is starting
I would suggest more RAM..752 is really nothing nowadays

I strongly disagree. 752MB is more than many people need.

How much RAM you need for good performance is *not* a
one-size-fits-all situation. You get good performance if the amount of
RAM you have keeps you from using the page file significantly, and
that depends on what apps you run. Most people running a typical range
of business applications find that somewhere between 256MB and 512MB
works well, others need more. Almost anyone will see poor performance
with less than 256MB. Some people, particularly those doing things
like editing large photographic images, can see a performance boost by
adding even more than 512MB--sometimes much more.

If you are currently using the page file significantly, more memory
will decrease or eliminate that usage, and improve your performance.
If you are not using the page file significantly, more memory will do
nothing for you. Go to and download and monitor your page file usage. That should
give you a good idea of whether more memory can help, and if so, how
much more.

Singapore Computer Service


Try running IE7 without any add-ons.

Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools >
Internet Explorer 7 (No Add-ons) to start without any add-ons. Try using the
browser and see if the same problem arises.

If the problem does not occur again, start IE7 normally, go to Tools >
Manage Add-ons and disable all the add-ons. Enable each add-on one at each
time and see if the problem occurs again. Once it occurs again after
enabling an add-on, you have nailed the culprit.

(if the menu bar does not appear, hit the Alt key on the keyboard)

In most caes, most of the add-ons are not required. Disable those that you
don't need and you'll see a performance gain.

Singapore Computer Home Repair Service
Video Conversion VHS Video8 Hi8 Digital8 MiniDv MicroMv


I think everyone is jumping the gun here. Let niraj run the scans for
malware and remove the toolbars and see where that gets them. Everyone is
already talking about adding ram. Rule out the software possiblities first
and then we'll talk hardware.


Hello everyone,
Thank you. At this point i am open for any suggetions. As said before I run
all the scans for malware and I also formate the whole drive(so the laptop is
like new). Then I started tracking, the system is still slow and CPU Usage
spikes to 100% as soon as I open IE 7 or any applications (office word,excel
etc). I took it to repair shop and according to him it has to do with my hard
drive. Please HELP!!!!!

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