Slow Network / Domain Logon



Hello -

Hoping someone may be able to help.... I'm trying to connect to a WinNT 4.0 domain from an XP Pro. workstation. Logon times range from 4-5 minutes. I've experimented with "bypassing" XP's quick network logon by modifying the "logon administrative template"... no luck. The workstation waits the same 4-5 mins. with the message "preparing network connections..."

Here's whats in my netlogon.log file from my last attempt. There's an ~2min 45sec delay between 11:51:44 and 11:54:29... eliminating this would be a GREAT start.

Thanks for your help.


01/27 11:46:46 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:46:46 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:46:46 [CRITICAL] NlBrowserSendDatagram: No transports available
01/27 11:46:46 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF: Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:46:46 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:46:46 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:46:47 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND RET_DNS
01/27 11:46:47 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 911
01/27 11:46:47 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND RET_DNS
01/27 11:46:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS WRITABLE BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:46:51 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 5047
01/27 11:46:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS WRITABLE BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:08 [SESSION] Winsock Addrs: (1) List used to be empty.
01/27 11:47:08 [SITE] DsrGetSiteName: Returning site name '(null)' from local cache.
01/27 11:47:08 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: IP TIMESERV AVOIDSELF BACKGROUND
01/27 11:47:08 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 21671
01/27 11:47:08 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: IP TIMESERV AVOIDSELF BACKGROUND
01/27 11:47:14 [SESSION] \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FE32F820-0474-4B53-9D40-33626BA275EB}: Transport Added (
01/27 11:47:14 [SESSION] SIELAFF: Zero LastAuth
01/27 11:47:33 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:33 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Primary Query' message to SIELAFF[1B] on all transports.
01/27 11:47:35 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF: Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1B) 53
01/27 11:47:35 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 0
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:46 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:47:46 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:47:49 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF: Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:47:49 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:47:49 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:48:49 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:48:49 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:48:51 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF: Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:48:51 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:48:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:49:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:49:51 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:49:53 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF: Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:49:53 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:49:53 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:50:37 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:SIELAFF Acct:(null) Flags: DSP
01/27 11:50:37 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 43923
01/27 11:50:37 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:SIELAFF Acct:(null) Flags: DSP
01/27 11:51:38 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND
01/27 11:51:38 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar background query failed recently 105111
01/27 11:51:38 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355: Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND
01/27 11:51:43 [SESSION] \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FE32F820-0474-4B53-9D40-33626BA275EB}: Transport Removed
01/27 11:51:43 [CRITICAL] Error in reading mailslot message from browser. WinStatus = 3
01/27 11:51:43 [MISC] Eventlog: 5703 (2) 3 00000003 ....
01/27 11:51:43 [CRITICAL] Error writing this event in the eventlog, Status = 31
01/27 11:51:44 [CRITICAL] Error in reading mailslot message from browser. WinStatus = 3
01/27 11:51:44 [MISC] Eventlog: 5703 (2) 3 00000003 ....
01/27 11:51:44 [CRITICAL] Error writing this event in the eventlog, Status = 1717
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Group Policy is not defined for Netlogon
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Following are the effective values after parsing
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Sysvol = C:\WINDOWS\SYSVOL\SYSVOL
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Scripts = (null)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SiteName (0) = (null)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Pulse = 300 (0x12c)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Randomize = 1 (0x1)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseMaximum = 7200 (0x1c20)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseConcurrency = 10 (0xa)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseTimeout1 = 10 (0xa)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseTimeout2 = 300 (0x12c)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaximumMailslotMessages = 500 (0x1f4)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MailslotMessageTimeout = 10 (0xa)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MailslotDuplicateTimeout = 2 (0x2)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] ExpectedDialupDelay = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] ScavengeInterval = 900 (0x384)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaximumPasswordAge = 30 (0x1e)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapSrvPriority = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapSrvWeight = 100 (0x64)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapSrvPort = 389 (0x185)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapGcSrvPort = 3268 (0xcc4)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] KdcSrvPort = 88 (0x58)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] KerbIsDoneWithJoinDomainEntry = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsTtl = 600 (0x258)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsRefreshInterval = 86400 (0x15180)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] CloseSiteTimeout = 900 (0x384)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SiteNameTimeout = 300 (0x12c)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DuplicateEventlogTimeout = 14400 (0x3840)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaxConcurrentApi = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] NegativeCachePeriod = 45 (0x2d)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] BackgroundRetryInitialPeriod = 600 (0x258)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] BackgroundRetryMaximumPeriod = 3600 (0xe10)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] BackgroundRetryQuitTime = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] BackgroundSuccessfulRefreshPeriod = 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] NonBackgroundSuccessfulRefreshPeriod = 1800 (0x708)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsFailedDeregisterTimeout = 172800 (0x2a300)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaxLdapServersPinged = 55 (0x37)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DBFlag = 536936447 (0x2000ffff)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaximumLogFileSize = 20000000 (0x1312d00)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RefusePasswordChange = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AllowReplInNonMixed = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidSamRepl = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidLsaRepl = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SignSecureChannel = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SealSecureChannel = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RequireSignOrSeal = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RequireStrongKey = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SysVolReady = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] UseDynamicDns = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RegisterDnsARecords = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidPdcOnWan = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AutoSiteCoverage = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidDnsDeregOnShutdown = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsUpdateOnAllAdapters = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Nt4Emulator = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DisablePasswordChange = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] NeutralizeNt4Emulator = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AllowSingleLabelDnsDomain = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Command line parsed successfully ...
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Netlogon.dll has been unloaded (recover from it).
01/27 11:54:29 [SITE] Setting site name to '(null)'
01/27 11:54:29 [SESSION] Winsock Addrs: (0) List is now empty.
01/27 11:54:29 [CRITICAL] Address list changed since last boot. (Forget DynamicSiteName.)
01/27 11:54:29 [SITE] Setting site name to '(null)'
01/27 11:54:29 [DOMAIN] SIELAFF: Adding new domain
01/27 11:54:29 [DOMAIN] Setting our computer name to ALEX_LAPTOP (null)
01/27 11:54:29 [DOMAIN] Setting Netbios domain name to SIELAFF
01/27 11:54:29 [CRITICAL] C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\netlogon.ftj: Unable to open. 2
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Getting cached trusted domain list from binary file.
01/27 11:54:29 [LOGON] NlSetForestTrustList: New trusted domain list:
01/27 11:54:29 [LOGON] 0: SIELAFF (NT 4) (Primary Domain)
01/27 11:54:29 [LOGON] Dom Sid: S-1-5-21-3391336005-1638886816-3524806874
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Starting RPC server.
01/27 11:54:29 [MISC] NlpInitializeTrace succeeded 0
01/27 11:54:29 [SESSION] SIELAFF: NlSessionSetup: Try Se

Glenn Melton

When Windows hangs at the "Preparing Network connections"
dialog box, it usually means a DNS problem.

Make sure DNS is set up properly on your server, and
point the client box that is hanging to it for it's
primary DNS.
-----Original Message-----
Hello -

Hoping someone may be able to help.... I'm trying to
connect to a WinNT 4.0 domain from an XP Pro.
workstation. Logon times range from 4-5 minutes. I've
experimented with "bypassing" XP's quick network logon by
modifying the "logon administrative template"... no
luck. The workstation waits the same 4-5 mins. with the
message "preparing network connections..."
Here's whats in my netlogon.log file from my last
attempt. There's an ~2min 45sec delay between 11:51:44
and 11:54:29... eliminating this would be a GREAT start.
Thanks for your help.


01/27 11:46:46 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom: (null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:46:46 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:46:46 [CRITICAL] NlBrowserSendDatagram: No transports available
01/27 11:46:46 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF:
Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:46:46 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:46:46 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:46:47 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:
(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND RET_DNS
01/27 11:46:47 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 911
01/27 11:46:47 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND RET_DNS
01/27 11:46:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:
(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS WRITABLE BACKGROUND
01/27 11:46:51 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 5047
01/27 11:46:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS WRITABLE BACKGROUND
01/27 11:47:08 [SESSION] Winsock Addrs: (1) List used to be empty.
01/27 11:47:08 [SITE] DsrGetSiteName: Returning site
name '(null)' from local cache.
01/27 11:47:08 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:
(null) Acct:(null) Flags: IP TIMESERV AVOIDSELF
01/27 11:47:08 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 21671
01/27 11:47:08 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: IP TIMESERV AVOIDSELF
01/27 11:47:14 [SESSION] \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FE32F820-
0474-4B53-9D40-33626BA275EB}: Transport Added
01/27 11:47:14 [SESSION] SIELAFF: Zero LastAuth
01/27 11:47:33 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:
(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:33 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Primary Query' message
to SIELAFF[1B] on all transports.
01/27 11:47:35 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF:
Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1B) 53
01/27 11:47:35 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:
(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 0
01/27 11:47:35 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: PDC BACKGROUND RET_NETBIOS
01/27 11:47:46 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom: (null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:47:46 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:47:49 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF:
Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:47:49 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:47:49 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:48:49 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom: (null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:48:49 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:48:51 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF:
Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:48:51 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:48:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:49:51 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom: (null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:49:51 [MAILSLOT] Sent 'Sam Logon' message to SIELAFF[1C] on all transports.
01/27 11:49:53 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetNameNetbios: SIELAFF:
Cannot NlBrowserSendDatagram. (1C) 53
01/27 11:49:53 [CRITICAL] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF: IP and Netbios are both done.
01/27 11:49:53 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: DS
01/27 11:50:37 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called:
Dom:SIELAFF Acct:(null) Flags: DSP
01/27 11:50:37 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar query failed recently 43923
01/27 11:50:37 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:SIELAFF Acct:(null) Flags: DSP
01/27 11:51:38 [MISC] DsGetDcName function called: Dom:
(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND
01/27 11:51:38 [MISC] NetpDcGetName: SIELAFF similar
background query failed recently 105111
01/27 11:51:38 [MISC] DsGetDcName function returns 1355:
Dom:(null) Acct:(null) Flags: BACKGROUND
01/27 11:51:43 [SESSION] \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FE32F820-
0474-4B53-9D40-33626BA275EB}: Transport Removed
01/27 11:51:43 [CRITICAL] Error in reading mailslot
message from browser. WinStatus = 3
01/27 11:51:43 [MISC] Eventlog: 5703 (2) 3 00000003 ....
01/27 11:51:43 [CRITICAL] Error writing this event in the eventlog, Status = 31
01/27 11:51:44 [CRITICAL] Error in reading mailslot
message from browser. WinStatus = 3
01/27 11:51:44 [MISC] Eventlog: 5703 (2) 3 00000003 ....
01/27 11:51:44 [CRITICAL] Error writing this event in the eventlog, Status = 1717
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Group Policy is not defined for Netlogon
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Following are the effective values after parsing
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Sysvol = C:\WINDOWS\SYSVOL\SYSVOL
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Scripts = (null)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SiteName (0) = (null)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Pulse = 300 (0x12c)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Randomize = 1 (0x1)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseMaximum = 7200 (0x1c20)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseConcurrency = 10 (0xa)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseTimeout1 = 10 (0xa)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] PulseTimeout2 = 300 (0x12c)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaximumMailslotMessages = 500 (0x1f4)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MailslotMessageTimeout = 10 (0xa)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MailslotDuplicateTimeout = 2 (0x2)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] ExpectedDialupDelay = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] ScavengeInterval = 900 (0x384)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaximumPasswordAge = 30 (0x1e)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapSrvPriority = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapSrvWeight = 100 (0x64)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapSrvPort = 389 (0x185)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] LdapGcSrvPort = 3268 (0xcc4)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] KdcSrvPort = 88 (0x58)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] KerbIsDoneWithJoinDomainEntry = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsTtl = 600 (0x258)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsRefreshInterval = 86400 (0x15180)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] CloseSiteTimeout = 900 (0x384)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SiteNameTimeout = 300 (0x12c)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DuplicateEventlogTimeout = 14400 (0x3840)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaxConcurrentApi = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] NegativeCachePeriod = 45 (0x2d)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] BackgroundRetryInitialPeriod = 600 (0x258)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] BackgroundRetryMaximumPeriod = 3600 (0xe10)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] BackgroundRetryQuitTime = 0 (0x0)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT]
BackgroundSuccessfulRefreshPeriod = 4294967295
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT]
NonBackgroundSuccessfulRefreshPeriod = 1800 (0x708)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsFailedDeregisterTimeout = 172800 (0x2a300)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaxLdapServersPinged = 55 (0x37)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DBFlag = 536936447 (0x2000ffff)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] MaximumLogFileSize = 20000000 (0x1312d00)
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RefusePasswordChange = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AllowReplInNonMixed = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidSamRepl = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidLsaRepl = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SignSecureChannel = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SealSecureChannel = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RequireSignOrSeal = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RequireStrongKey = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] SysVolReady = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] UseDynamicDns = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] RegisterDnsARecords = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidPdcOnWan = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AutoSiteCoverage = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AvoidDnsDeregOnShutdown = TRUE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DnsUpdateOnAllAdapters = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Nt4Emulator = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] DisablePasswordChange = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] NeutralizeNt4Emulator = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] AllowSingleLabelDnsDomain = FALSE
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Command line parsed successfully ...
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Netlogon.dll has been unloaded (recover from it).
01/27 11:54:29 [SITE] Setting site name to '(null)'
01/27 11:54:29 [SESSION] Winsock Addrs: (0) List is now empty.
01/27 11:54:29 [CRITICAL] Address list changed since
last boot. (Forget DynamicSiteName.)
01/27 11:54:29 [SITE] Setting site name to '(null)'
01/27 11:54:29 [DOMAIN] SIELAFF: Adding new domain
01/27 11:54:29 [DOMAIN] Setting our computer name to ALEX_LAPTOP (null)
01/27 11:54:29 [DOMAIN] Setting Netbios domain name to SIELAFF
01/27 11:54:29 [CRITICAL] C:\WINDOWS\system32
\config\netlogon.ftj: Unable to open. 2
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Getting cached trusted domain list from binary file.
01/27 11:54:29 [LOGON] NlSetForestTrustList: New trusted domain list:
01/27 11:54:29 [LOGON] 0: SIELAFF (NT 4) (Primary Domain)
01/27 11:54:29 [LOGON] Dom Sid: S-1-5-21- 3391336005-1638886816-3524806874
01/27 11:54:29 [INIT] Starting RPC server.
01/27 11:54:29 [MISC] NlpInitializeTrace succeeded 0
01/27 11:54:29 [SESSION] SIELAFF: NlSessionSetup: Try Se

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