Slow computer!



For some reason, my computer now runs really slow.
Especially in vidogames, they are prettymuck unplayable
by my standards. I have a radeon 9000. Everything was
running nice and smooth. But now everything sucks! Why,
What happened, how can I get my comp running normally????
I ran avg antivirus. It found like fifty infected
files and healed them. No change in performance. One
file cannot be fixed: "system32\msconfig35.exe."
Can I grab that file from another computer and replace
it? I know it's an important one. It says the other
files are healed.
Also can't open task manager. Have done proceedures
reccomended to other people for this; no change.

Also when I shut down, comp says trying to shut down
Wnd RNAmin. WHAT IS THAT?????


Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

You found 50 infected files, and you can't figure out why your computer runs
slow. What may still be on the computer that was NOT removed. Maybe it's
time you bite the bullet, and perform a clean format/install. Get rid of all
the crap and start over. This time, keep your antivirus program up to date
and don't open any e-mail attachments.

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